Unexpected Savior

Unexpected Savior

Billy Payne
Christopher Jones

Community Bible Church, San Antonio TX

Release Date: 2018

Duncan, B.,
Jones, A.,
Jones, C.,
Jones, R.

Voicing: SATB

Ray Jones and the team of writers at Community Bible Church know very well the challenge of preparing all of the music needed to cover the Christmas season services. O Come Let Us Adore is the BEST Christmas worship resource project that we have ever published. It ticks ALL of the boxes: For large ministries or small, it is easily learned in limited rehearsal time. In keeping with the CBC multigenerational concept, it can be used to feature student groups used in combination of adult, student or children's choirs. It can be presented as an entire Christmas program or in the services leading up to Christmas. Though the demos feature student voices, it could easily be prepared by all adult groups. The final box to be ticked is the affordable price. The custom USB flash drive includes everything needed to prepare the music with permission to create and share as many copies needed to accommodate your ministry. Elements included are: Choir parts, demonstration recordings, orchestrations, Finale Files, Split Track accompaniment, Stereo track accompaniment, Practice tracks, instrumental stems.

Unexpected Savior

Item Price Qty
Complete Multi Media Set
Video Streaming License
(copyright permission not included)



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Unexpected Savior

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