The Voice of the Lord

The Voice of the Lord

Mark T. Bovee

Prestonwood Baptist Church

Release Date: 2002

Hodges, R.,
Phillips, R.

Voicing: SATB, Trio

Ten great songs for choir-led worship, including the hit songs, "Breathe"; and "I Can Only Imagine"; arranged by Mark Bovee. Mark has arranged and orchestrated these ten songs specifically for the church, not for studio players and singers. Some of the arrangements work well for stand-alone choir specials, and some will involve the congregation in corporate worship. Features choir, orchestra, praise team, soloists, and congregation.

The Voice of the Lord

Item Price Qty
Choir Part Permission
(1 per choir member)
Demonstration Recording Permission
(1 per choir member)
Accompaniment Split Track
Video Streaming License
(copyright permission not included)



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The Voice of the Lord

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