Your Name Is Glorious

Your Name Is Glorious

Bradley Knight

Prestonwood Baptist Church

Release Date: 2015


Voicing: Female Solo, SATB

Taking inspiration from the 21st chapter of Revelation, and keying off the 5th verse which states, "Behold, I am making all things new!", Bradley Knight has masterfully compiled and arranged songs that edify and lift up this message in the newest collection from the Prestonwood Baptist Church choir, All Things New. This book contains multiple genres and styles of music that combine to make it a power packed collection of moments for ministry. Packed with songs containing messages of faith, hope, trust and redemption, All Things New will truly be an impactful resource you will return to many times over.

Your Name Is Glorious

Item Price Qty
Choir Part Permission
(1 per choir member)
Demonstration Recording Permission
(1 per choir member)
SATB Practice Track Permission
(1 per choir member, minimum 4)
Accompaniment Split Track
Instrumental Stem Tracks
Video Streaming License
(copyright permission not included)



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Your Name Is Glorious

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