Softly And Tenderly

Softly And Tenderly

Bradley Knight

Bell Shoals Baptist Church, Tampa FL

Release Date: 2011

Knight, B.,

Voicing: SATB, Solo

Everything you need to prepare and perform the song. Create and share as many copies as needed to accommodate your ministry. Multi-Media Set Download Includes: Demonstration Tracks, Choral Parts, Split Track Accompaniment, Stereo Track Accompaniment, Practice Tracks for Soprano, Alto, and Men, Orchestration, Custom Track Data Files (clicks, loops, strings and brass) for building your own custom performance track. Practice Tracks for Rhythm Instruments.

Softly And Tenderly

Item Retail Member Qty
Complete Multi Media Set
Demonstration Recording Permission
(1 per choir member)
Video Streaming License
(copyright permission not included)



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Softly And Tenderly

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