I Believe In America

I Believe In America

Bob Krogstad

Prism Music

Release Date: 1989

Borop, N.,
Hamm, R.,
Henley, J.,
Lindsey, J.

Voicing: SATB

The truths presented in I BELIEVE IN AMERICA are poignant. Never more than today have our people needed to be reminded of the principles on which our country was founded and the dreams of our forefathers to see "One nation, Under God". It is a 55 minute program with narration which may be performed in its entirety or as individual selections. Lush arrangements by Bob Krogstad and heartfelt narration written by Derric Johnson make this taste of Americana one that will be enjoyed and looked forward to by your community year after year.

I Believe In America

Item Price Qty
Choir Part Permission
(1 per choir member)
Accompaniment Split Track
Video Streaming License
(copyright permission not included)



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I Believe In America

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