Forever I Will Praise You

Forever I Will Praise You

Mark T. Bovee

Florida Worship Choir

Release Date: 2016

Johns, R.

Voicing: SATB

The Florida Worship Choir and Orchestra have returned with their fourth collection, God of Hope. The combined choir and orchestra, made up of worship leaders and volunteers from all over the state of Florida, have created a worship collection that will be a valued resource for many years to come. Mark T. Bovee has taken songs that span multiple genres and styles and skillfully arranged them to create glorious moments of worship. While there are good opportunities for solo and duet features, this book features a majority of choir lead congregational worship songs. Add God of Hope to your music library today, and lead your people in singing praise to the only God that brings hope to a broken world.

Forever I Will Praise You

Item Price Qty
Choir Part Permission
(1 per choir member)
Demonstration Recording Permission
(1 per choir member)
SATB Practice Track Permission
(1 per choir member, minimum 4)
Accompaniment Split Track
Instrumental Stem Tracks
Video Streaming License
(copyright permission not included)



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Forever I Will Praise You

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