All For Your Glory

All For Your Glory

Bradley Knight

First Baptist Church, Dallas TX

Release Date: 2019


Voicing: SATB

We have partnered with the worship ministry of First Baptist Church of Dallas TX once again to bring you a highly versatile and vocally attainable collection which is arranged by Bradley Knight. There are so many fresh and spirit filled selections within this book. Listen to Your Spirit, Cleansed and O Come to The Altar to prove the point. Seven of the eleven arrangements in the project are choral only voicing and the solo features of the remaining four are within the reach of most amateur singers. The updated hymn arrangements are true to the original melody and will blend nicely into a more modern worship choir setting. Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us is set within the luscious orchestral textures by Bradley Knight which we have come to love. We have honored the past and livened the present with an update of the golden oldie Find Us Faithful with such commanding lyrics which are poignant for this moment. With so much usable material, All For Your Glory is a great value addition to your music library.



Item Price Qty
Choir Book
(1 per choir member)
Demonstration Recording CD
(1 per ministry member)
SATB Master Practice Track CD Set
(minimum of 4 for masters + duplication qty)
Accompaniment Split Track CD
Instrumental Stem Tracks CD


Item Price Qty
Choir Part Permission
(1 per choir member)
Demonstration Recording Permission
(1 per choir member)
SATB Practice Track Permission
(1 per choir member, minimum 4)
Accompaniment Split Track
Instrumental Stem Tracks


Look & Listen

Right Here
Enter The Gates
Your Spirit
Find Us Faithful
No Not One
Sins Are Gone Forever
I Stand Amazed (with I Could Sing of Your Love Forever)
Cleansed (with Nothing But the Blood)
O Come To The Altar (with Jesus I Come)
Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us
The Benediction

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